Being Still Is Letting Go

“Be still, and know that I am God" - Psalm 46:10
The first part of Psalm 46:10 says "Be still, and know that I am God." God Himself is talking to us. 

In this passage, the word "still" is from a Hebrew word that means "release" or "let go." We can best understand it as "Calm down, let go, and realize I am God."

Therefore, it means coming to a place where we are happy to submit our desires and expectations to God. It means acknowledging His control over all circumstances.

Surrendering to God's will begins with admitting we are really incapable of controlling life. That's humility. 

As long as we are not humble enough to recognize that, to realize we need a good, powerful, gracious, and Almighty Father in heaven, then we will never experience the kind of peace and stillness that comes from knowing God.

Being still is a matter of finally entrusting God with our all - our life, our loved ones, our material possessions - our everything.

Knowing God is having a personal and intimate relationship with Him. It doesn't mean knowing about Him only. It means knowing Him personally, relating to God as we do with our earthly loved ones.

This may be hard to grasp at first. But when we accept God as our personal Lord and Savior through Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit will make us understand how and why.

I pray you experience the kind of peace and rest that comes from personally knowing God as your Lord and Savior. It's not about religion, my friend. It's about a relationship.

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